In this story of adventure, risk, and responsibility, Montana local, @brettsengphoto , shares his personal pilgrimage of finding a way to journey onto land-locked public land. Surrounded by privately owned farms and ranches, these spots are untouched and unaltered by human hands. These pristine invisible islands of land can be host to herds of freely roaming, unpressured elk. On the wind of his three-wheeled para-motor, Brett finds a way into the forbidden fruit as he realizes the only way in, is over. In his personal tale of tribulation, trial and triumph, Brett leads us through a journey of the internal juxtaposition for accomplishment versus his new found responsibility as a father.
MATHEWS presents
Produced by Cold Collaborative
Directed by Shannon Vandivier
Featuring Brett Seng
Cinematography Bowen Parrish, Brian Freeman, Nathan Mcbride, Jordan Gill
Edited by Blake Campbell
Executive producers Brad Treu, Matt Mcpherson, Derek Nelson
Producers Shannon Vandivier, Bowen Parrish
Colored by TBD Post
Motion Graphics Sam Klatt
Sound Mix Jason McDaniel